Par-Q+ - The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone

Note: If you already have an account on this site please login before completing this form.

The health benefits of regular physical activity are clear; more people should engage in physical activity every day of the week. Participating in physically active is very safe for MOST people. However, some should check with their doctor, another health care practitioner who is licensed to diagnose, or a qualified exercise professional before they start becoming much more physically active. This questionnaire will tell you whether it is necessary for you to seek further advice before becoming more physically active or engaging in a fitness appraisal.


Please read the 8 questions below carefully and answer each one honestly: check YES or NO.



PAR-Q+ Declaration
You have answered NO to all of the General questions, or NO to all of the followup questions, you are cleared for physical activity.
  • Start becoming more physically active -- start slowly and build up gradually.
  • Follow International Physical Activity Guidelines for your age (
  • You may take part in a health and fitness appraisal.
  • If you are over the age of 45 years and NOT accustomed to regular vigorous to maximal effort exercise, consult a qualified exercise professional before engaging in this intensity of exercise.
  • If you have any further questions, contact a qualified exercise professional.
You have answered YES to one or more of the general questions and YES to one or more of the follow-up questions about your medical condition. You should seek further information from a qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active or engaging in a fitness appraisal.
Delay becoming more active if:
  • You have a temporary illness such as a cold or fever; it is best to wait until you feel better.
  • You are pregnant - talk to your health care practitioner, your physician, a qualified exercise professional, and/or complete the ePARmed-X+ at before becoming more physically active.
  • Your health changes - talk to your doctor or qualified exercise professional before continuing with any physical activity program.
I have read, understood to my full satisfaction and completed the questionnaire. I acknowledge that this physical activity clearance is valid for a maximum of 12 months from the date it is completed and becomes invalid if my condition changes. I also acknowledge that a Trustee (such as my employer, community/fitness centre, health care provider, or other designate) may retain a copy of this form for their records. In these instances, the Trustee will be required to adhere to local, national, and international guidelines regarding the storage of personal health information ensuring that the Trustee maintains the privacy of the information and does not misuse or wrongfully disclose such information.

I understand that checking this box consitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above.

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